Converter plant

Description and solution:

  • Reconstruction of existing and design of new plants with a capacity of 50 to 350t;
  • Delivery on turn-key basis paths for converter hot gases with high efficiency chilling boilers (JAG) and the gas cleaning system from dust, working in the mode of:

    - partial afterburner of carbon monoxide

    - full afterburner of carbon monoxide

    - without afterburner, with converter gas utilization

  • The use of combined blowing into converter (oxygen – from the top through a lance, an inert gas through the bottom), providing economical use of slag, while pig iron, ferro-alloys and metal yield increase;
  • The use of waste as a slag and additional materials (pelletizing into briquettes of dust from gas treatment and addition of briquettes in charge materials);
  • Delivery of liquid iron furnace plant in mobile mixer ladles, which increases the temperature of the cast iron in the converter by about 50 C;
  • Creation of closed systems of water treatment and supply